Test systems
Test systems by AutomatisierungsTechnik Voigt GmbH are available in various configurations. For special measurement tasks, our development engineers adapt to your requirements our proven systems, which are equipped with proven standard components by Keithley Instruments.
This measurement system offers an all-in-one solution for high power characterization.
Modular Automated High Power switching - designed for Development, Integration and Production Testing
Easy, quick and safe test setups up to 1.1 kV
Pintester - a complete test environment for reliability- and failue analysis
Measuring system for performing tests according to recommendations of the Association of the PCB Industry (VdL)
Get to know Automatisierungstechnik Voigt GmbH from Dresden.
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Do you have questions or are you looking for a solution? We will be happy to advise you without obligation.
Here you will find presentations and scientific publications of our partners.